Group Requirements







  • Minimum of 13 years old, Maximum age is Coaches Discretion 


  • Minimum of 2 AA times required 


  • Legal 100 of each stroke
  • Advanced turns
  • Advanced Starts
  • 8 fly kicks on fly and free off each wall
  • 12 fly kicks on backstroke
  • Understands breath control on starts and turns and for specific races
  • Bi-lateral breathing for 500 free. 

Test Set 

  • 10 X 100 @ 1:25 SCY or 1:30 SCM 

Time Management 

  • Parents should commit to bring their children 5-6 times per week and arrive on time
  • Athletes should arrive 15 minutes before warm-up for meets
  • Inform coach of practice absence and reasons
  • Athletes should avoid procrastinating 

Training Focus 

  • Must have IMX Ready Scores
  • Minimum Goal of 4 AA times, and qualifying for TAGS, Sectionals, and Futures
  • Focus on high performance in the 200 of strokes 

Character Development/Sportsmanship/Spirit 

  • Respectful of other swimmers, parents, and coaches
  • Respectful of all swim meet officials
  • Demonstrates proper meet behavior
  • Respectful of members of other teams 
  • Encourage teammates 

Social Skills 

  • Communicates with coach
  • Listens to coach
  • Respectful of others space in practice
  • Leads their lanes weekly 
  • Accepts criticism from coach and understands the coach is working on their skills and not criticizing the athlete. 


  • Understands flexibility and core body strength -Pace Clock and interval training
  • Learn positive mental attitude
  • Knows their best times 
  • Knows time standards
  • Understands Splits
  • Distance per stroke
  • Set season goals
  • Understands Safety Rules
  • Understands how to build up a set
  • Understands how to descend a set
  • Learns visualization/relaxation 


  • Must compete in one USA Sanctioned Swim Meet per month
  • Competes in all team hosted meets
  • Must compete in appropriate Championship Meets
  • Athlete/Coach communication and planning 
  • Talks with coaches before and after swims
  • Completes proper warm-up and warm-down
  • Stays hydrated, warm and rested at meets.
  • Watches other swimmer’s events 
  • Shows up early to stretch prior to warm up 

Team Commitment 

  • Wears team suit and cap at meets
  • Wears team t shirts
  • Cheers with and for teammates
  • Helps pick up pool deck 
  • Has a favorite Olympian in his or her best events
  • Knows history of Streamline Aquatics 




  • Minimum Age 13 years old, Maximum Age 18 years old. Or Coaches Discretion 


  • Minimum of 2 B times required 


  • Legal 100 of each stroke. Legal 200 IM 

Test set 

  • 10x100 @1:45 SCY, 1:50 SCM 

Time Management 

  • Parents should commit to bring their children 4 times per week and arrive on time.
  • Athletes should arrive 15 minutes before warm-up for meets.
  • Inform coach of practice absence and reasons.
  • Athletes should avoid procrastinating 

Training Focus 

  • Training for IMX ready Scores
  • Minimum Goal of reaching A time standards
  • Focused on improving all training aspects of each individual in an effort to advance to the next training group. 

Character Development/Sportsmanship/Spirit 

  • Respectful of other swimmers, parents, and coaches
  • Respectful of all swim meet officials
  • Demonstrates proper meet behavior
  • Respectful of members of other teams 
  • Encourage teammates 

Social Skills 

  • Communicates with coach
  • Listens to coach
  • Respectful of others space in practice
  • Leads their lanes weekly 
  • Accepts criticism from coach and understands the coach is working on their skills and not criticizing the athlete. 


  • Understands flexibility and core body strength
  • Pace Clock and interval training
  • Learn positive mental attitude
  • Knows their best times 
  • Knows time standards
  • Understands Splits
  • Distance per stroke
  • Understands Safety Rules
  • Understands how to build up a set
  • Understands how to descend a set 


  • Must compete in one USA Sanctioned Swim Meet per month
  • Must compete in appropriate Championship Meets
  • Athlete/Coach communication and planning
  • Talks with coaches before and after swims 
  • Completes proper warm-up and warm-down 

Team Commitment 

  • Wears team suit and cap at meets
  • Wears team t shirts
  • Cheers with and for teammates -Helps pick up pool deck 


Dream Team


  • Minimum Age 8 years old, Maximum Age 13 years old. Or Coaches’ discretion 


  • Minimum of 2 BB Times Required 


  • Able to swim legal 50 of all 4 strokes
  • Legal turns & finishes.
  • Breaststroke Pullouts
  • 6 Fly kicks on fly, free off walls
  • Streamline on side of body and initiate bottom hand scull
  • 8 fly kicks on back off walls
  • Bi-lateral breathing for a 100
  • Breath control on starts
  • No breathing off turns. 

Test Set 

  • 9X100 (3x100 @ 1:55/2:00, 3 x 100 @1:50/1:55, 3 x 100 @1:45/1:50 SCY/SCM) 

Time Management 

  • Parents should commit to bring their children 4 times per week and arrive on time.
  • Athletes should arrive 15 minutes before warm-up for meets.
  • Inform coach of practice absence and reasons.
  • Athletes should avoid procrastinating 

Training Focus 

  • 9 & under -Legal 50 of all 4 strokes for 10 & under
  • 9 & Under -Legal 100 of all 4 strokes for 11 & up
  • 10 & up legal 100 of all 4 strokes, and 500 free
  • Great Streamlines 
  • Must have IMX ready scores
  • Minimum Goal of 4 BB Times 

Character Development/ Sportsmanship/Spirit 

  • Respectful of other swimmers, parents, and coaches
  • Respectful of all swim meet officials
  • Demonstrates proper meet behavior
  • Respectful of members of other teams
  • Encourage teammates 

Social Skills 

  • Communicates with coach
  • Listens to coach
  • Respectful of others space in practice
  • Leads their lanes weekly 
  • Accepts criticism from coach and understands the coach is working on their skills and not criticizing the athlete.
  • Understands splashing and touching others is inappropriate during practice.
  • Understands and takes responsibility for attendance, practice habits, meet performance and understands how those three things relate to meet performance. 


  • Understands flexibility and core body strength
  • Pace Clock and interval training
  • Learn positive mental attitude
  • Knows their best times 
  • Knows time standards
  • Understands Splits
  • Distance per stroke
  • Set season goals
  • Understands Safety Rules
  • Understands how to build up a set
  • Understands how to descend a set
  • Learns visualization/relaxation 


  • Must compete in one USA Sanctioned Swim Meet per month
  • Competes in all team hosted meets
  • Must compete in appropriate Championship Meets
  • Athlete/Coach communication and planning 
  • Talks with coaches before and after swims
  • Completes proper warm-up and warm-down
  • Stays hydrated, warm and rested at meets.
  • Watches other swimmer’s events 
  • Shows up early to stretch prior to warm up 

Team Commitment 

  • Wears team suit and cap at meets
  • Wears team t shirts
  • Cheers with and for teammates 
  • Helps pick up pool deck
  • Has a favorite Olympian in his or her best events
  • Knows history of Streamline Aquatics 


Explorer 1/A


  • Minimum age 7 years old, maximum age 13 years old or coaches’ discretion


  • Complete legal turns for all strokes
  • Able to swim butterfly
  • Able to dive from a starting block
  • Bi-lateral breathing for a 50 freestyle
  • 4 Fly kicks on fly, free, and back off each wall

Test Set

  • 6X100 @ 2:20 SCY or 2:30 SCM 

Time Management 

  • Parents should commit to bring their children 3 times per week and arrive on time
  • Athletes should arrive 15 minutes before warm-up for meets
  • Inform coach of practice absence and reasons

Training Focus 

  • Legal 50 of all 4 strokes for 10 & under
  • Legal 100 of all 5 strokes for 11 & up
  • Great Streamlines
  • Legal 100 IM 
  • Minimum Goal of 1 B time 

Character Development/ Sportsmanship/ Spirit 

  • Respectful of other swimmers, parents, and coaches
  • Respectful of all swim meet officials
  • Use lane etiquette
  • Respectful of themselves 
  • Encourage teammates 

Social Skills 

  • Communicates with coach
  • Listens to coach
  • Respectful of others space in practice
  • Understands splashing and touching others in inappropriate during practice 


  • Knows how to count swimming distance sets
  • Able to circle swim
  • Pace clock 5 & 10 seconds, and 30 and 60 intervals
  • Knows how to use the backstroke flags
  • Demonstrates legal finishes 
  • Understands Safety Rules
  • Understands how to build up a set
  • Understands how to descend a set
  • Sets practice goals 


  • Must compete in two USA Sanctioned Swim Meet per season -Must compete in STX Championship meets when qualified 

Team Commitment 

  • Wears team suit and cap at meets
  • Wears team t shirts
  • Cheers with and for teammates
  • Helps pick up pool deck 



Explorer 2/B




  • Minimum Age 6 years old, Maximum Age 12 years old


  • Rotary Breathing
  • Good Head Position
  • Long Strokes with above water arm recovery
  • Smooth Kick
  • Head first diving
  • Correct free/back turns
  • Body position and roll in the backstroke. Perform the glide phase of breaststroke. 

Time Management 

  • Parents should commit to bring their children 3 times per week and arrive on time.
  • Athletes should arrive 15 minutes before warm-up at meets.
  • Inform coach of practice absence and reasons. 

Training Focus 

  • Legal 25 of each stroke
  • Great Streamlines
  • Legal 100 IM 

Character Development/Sportsmanship/Spirit 

  • Respectful of other swimmers, parents, and coaches
  • Respectful of all swim meet officials
  • Use lane etiquette
  • Respectful of themselves 
  • Encourage teammates 

Social Skills

  • Communicates with coach
  • Listens to coach
  • Respectful of others space in practice
  • Participates in group and team events
  • Leaves 5 seconds apart 


  • Knows how to count swimming distance sets
  • Able to circle swim
  • Pace clock 5 & 10 seconds, and 30 and 60 intervals
  • Knows how to use the backstroke flags
  • Demonstrate Legal finishes 
  • Understands Safety Rules 


  • Must compete in one USA Sanctioned Swim Meet per season
  • Must compete in B and C Championship meets when qualified 

Team Commitment 

  • Wears team suit and cap at meets
  • Wears team t-shirts
  • Cheers with and for teammates
  • Helps pick up pool deck



Explorer 3




  • Minimum 4 years old


  • Front Float
  • Back Float
  • Side Breathing
  • Streamline Rockets

Time Management 

  • Parents will be responsible for athletes arriving on time.
  • Athletes are expected to be dressed and ready to practice at start time. 

Training Focus

  • Kick using a kickboard freestyle, and begin breaststroke, fly, and kick on back
  • Breathe to one side during freestyle
  • Swim 25 freestyle without stopping
  • Swim 25 backstroke without stopping 

Character Development/ Sportsmanship/Spirit 

  • Respectful of other swimmers, parents, and coaches
  • Use lane etiquette
  • Respectful of themselves 

Social Skills 

  • Has good listening skills
  • Willingness to learn
  • Has no visible separation anxiety (Crying during practice) 


  • Must Compete in one Streamline Aquatics hosted meet per season